Monday, January 20, 2014

A Brief History of Harrier 117

A Brief History of Harrier 117.

The origins of H-117 are lost in time and tranquility. Settled during one of th prehistoric expansions, the origins of the colony became obscure to its inhabitants and a separate culture and heretical religious practices developed. Re-discovered and re-liberated during the Tungsten Crusade (M39) by the Western Orbital Fleet, the technology level for the planet had slipped to the level of the wheel and domesticated animals.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Harrier 11: The Poem (part one)

Year of our disciple, 41. Year of the Forgetting Myth. 

Year of scapula, teeth bones, 
of flagpole executions. 

Year of odor slime. The year of further 

Year the crippled re-enlist. 

The year we collided. The year that smoke stops 

Mirror spokes. The year of True Law.

Monday, December 9, 2013

An Abbreviated Almanac of Harrier 117

Of the year 999, of the 41st Century.

Harrier 117

Harrier 117: a moon, or tertiary geological satellite in elliptical orbit roughly 400,000 km above the surface of Kalkovac, capitol of the Metonga System.

Shallow rusty seas cover 78% of the planets surface, variant water clouded with mine tailings and sump detritus. An unfortunately thin and manufactured atmosphere. 

Storm seasons, an unsettling stillness between.

The population is roughly 26 million by census, mostly Type 23b (small settlement/homestead). Two modest urban centers, New Rainier and False Positive. The latter contains the bulk of the governmental, financial, and communication infrastructure. 

Minor industrial and mineral extraction sites justify an economy. There are no starport facilities on Harrier as of this record (967-M41 ImpRec).

Governed by a coalition of traditional (feudal) states and corporate interests that extend back to the mid-39th. Largely current, though a tradition of religious extremism gives the planet a IM0170 Rating. Garrisoned troops are the duty of Kalkovac, with three brigades in rotation. 

There are no external orbital defenses.